Download Shuffleboard FRC: A Modern Dashboard for Your Robot
How to Download Shuffleboard FRC: A Modern Dashboard for FRC Robots
If you are looking for a way to create and customize dashboards for your FRC robot, you might want to check out Shuffleboard FRC. Shuffleboard FRC is a modern dashboard that displays network tables data using a variety of widgets that can be positioned and controlled with robot code. It also includes many extra features like tabs, recording and playback, and advanced custom widgets. In this article, we will show you how to download, install, and launch Shuffleboard FRC, as well as some of its features.
download shuffleboard frc
Requirements for Shuffleboard FRC
Before you can use Shuffleboard FRC, you need to make sure you have the following software and hardware requirements:
JRE 11. Java 11 is required. No other version of Java is supported. Java 11 is installed by the WPILib installer.
WPILib extension for Visual Studio Code. This extension provides the WPILib menu that allows you to launch Shuffleboard FRC from Visual Studio Code.
A computer that can run JavaFX applications. JavaFX is the graphics library that Shuffleboard FRC uses.
A robot that can communicate with network tables. Network tables are the data protocol that Shuffleboard FRC uses to display and control data from the robot.
Installation Methods for Shuffleboard FRC
There are different ways to install Shuffleboard FRC depending on your operating system:
Windows: You can install Shuffleboard FRC by using the WPILib installer or by downloading the executable JAR file from GitHub.
Mac: You can install Shuffleboard FRC by using the WPILib installer or by downloading the executable JAR file from GitHub.
Linux: You can install Shuffleboard FRC by downloading the executable JAR file from GitHub.
Launching Shuffleboard FRC
There are two ways to launch Shuffleboard FRC:
From the WPILib menu in Visual Studio Code: You can launch Shuffleboard FRC by clicking on the WPILib icon in Visual Studio Code and selecting "Start Tool" under "Shuffleboard". This will open a new window with Shuffleboard FRC running.
Manually from the tools folder: You can launch Shuffleboard FRC by running the shuffleboard.vbs in c:\Users\public\wpilib\\tools (Windows) or in /wpilib//tools (Linux or Mac). This will open a new window with Shuffleboard FRC running.
Features of Shuffleboard FRC
Shuffleboard FRC has many features that make it a powerful and versatile dashboard for your robot. Here are some of them:
Tabs: You can create multiple tabs for different purposes, such as robot debugging, driving, or testing. You can also customize each tab with its own grid size and auto-populate settings.
Widgets: You can display data from your robot using various widgets, such as text fields, sliders, buttons, graphs, cameras, and more. You can also configure each widget with its own properties such as text fields, sliders, buttons, graphs, cameras, and more. You can also configure each widget with its own properties, such as title, size, position, and visibility. You can also create custom widgets using JavaFX or HTML5.
Graphs: You can plot data from your robot using line charts, scatter charts, or bar charts. You can also customize the appearance and behavior of the graphs, such as axis labels, range, and update rate.
Recording and playback: You can record data from your robot and save it to a file for later analysis. You can also play back the recorded data and see how your robot behaved in different scenarios.
Custom plugins: You can extend the functionality of Shuffleboard FRC by creating your own plugins that provide new data types, widgets, layouts, or themes. You can also use plugins created by other teams or developers. For more information on how to create and use custom plugins, see [Creating a Plugin](^1^) and [Built-in Plugins](^2^).
Shuffleboard FRC is a modern dashboard that allows you to create and customize dashboards for your FRC robot. It displays network tables data using various widgets that can be positioned and controlled with robot code. It also includes many extra features like tabs, recording and playback, and advanced custom widgets. To use Shuffleboard FRC, you need to have Java 11, WPILib extension for Visual Studio Code, a computer that can run JavaFX applications, and a robot that can communicate with network tables. You can install Shuffleboard FRC by using the WPILib installer or by downloading the executable JAR file from GitHub. You can launch Shuffleboard FRC from the WPILib menu in Visual Studio Code or manually from the tools folder. For more resources on Shuffleboard FRC, you can visit the following links:
How to download shuffleboard frc dashboard
Shuffleboard frc documentation
Shuffleboard frc github
Shuffleboard frc tutorial
Shuffleboard frc widgets
Shuffleboard frc custom plugins
Shuffleboard frc record and playback
Shuffleboard frc themes
Shuffleboard frc vs smartdashboard
Shuffleboard frc layout with code
Shuffleboard frc advanced usage
Shuffleboard frc commands and subsystems
Shuffleboard frc testing and tuning pid loops
Shuffleboard frc viewing hierarchies of data
Shuffleboard frc network tables
Shuffleboard frc javafx
Shuffleboard frc sources area
Shuffleboard frc tab panes
Shuffleboard frc grid size
Shuffleboard frc auto-populate
Shuffleboard frc live window tab
Shuffleboard frc installation instructions
Shuffleboard frc driver station settings
Shuffleboard frc windows desktop icon
Shuffleboard frc api project
Shuffleboard frc app project
Shuffleboard frc plugins project
Shuffleboard frc data types project
Shuffleboard frc widgets project
Shuffleboard frc data sources project
Shuffleboard frc custom data types project
Shuffleboard frc custom widgets project
Shuffleboard frc custom themes project
Shuffleboard frc widget types project
Download shuffleboard for first robotics competition
Download shuffleboard for FRC java programs
Download shuffleboard for FRC C++ programs
Download shuffleboard for FRC robot debugging
Download shuffleboard for FRC robot driving
Download shuffleboard for FRC team requirements
Download shuffleboard for FRC graphical display
Download shuffleboard for FRC historical data
Download shuffleboard for FRC graph widgets
Download shuffleboard for FRC camera streams
Download shuffleboard for FRC working with lists
Download shuffleboard for FRC global preferences
Download shuffleboard for FRC issues and bugs
Download shuffleboard for FRC built-in plugins
Download shuffleboard for FRC creating a plugin
Download shuffleboard for FRC creating a widget
[Shuffleboard Documentation]
[Shuffleboard GitHub Repository]
[Shuffleboard Example Plugins]
Q: How do I connect my robot to Shuffleboard FRC?
A: You need to make sure your robot is publishing data to network tables using the LiveWindow, SmartDashboard, or Shuffleboard classes in WPILib. You also need to make sure your computer and your robot are on the same network and have the same team number configured.
Q: How do I add a widget to my dashboard?
A: You can add a widget by dragging and dropping it from the sources list on the left to the dashboard area on the right. You can also right-click on a source and select "Add to current tab" or "Add to new tab".
Q: How do I resize or move a widget?
A: You can resize or move a widget by clicking and dragging on its edges or corners. You can also use the arrow keys to nudge a widget by one pixel.
Q: How do I change the properties of a widget?
A: You can change the properties of a widget by clicking on it and editing its values in the properties pane on the right. You can also double-click on a widget to edit its title.
Q: How do I save or load my dashboard layout?
A: You can save or load your dashboard layout by clicking on the file menu on the top left and selecting "Save" or "Open". You can also use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+S and Ctrl+O.